Blake I loved it. Well done. Can’t wait for your next publication.

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Great ending. If we knew the family name Bethany before now, I missed it, but it weaves together resurrection (the place Jesus resurrected Lazarus) and redemption (Jesus begins the journey to Jerusalem in Bethany) . Dominic (literally "Lordly") is resurrected by his son (a failed Savior), only to reintroduce chaos and heartache into the (family's) world. The son's act of bringing the father back for selfish motives, which he perceives as righteous, results in more sin. Another son inadvertently kills the father (who cannot forgive) by kicking the part of the body deficient in all men since Adam--the ribs. Redemption only comes through death, which resurrects the mother and gives the siblings a newly-enlightened, honest, and sobering way to engage with each other on their own terms (undefined by The Lord), while embracing motherhood. So, the question is: Was it worth it to this family for the father to come back to life? Would they have reconciled or been redeemed without the father's 2nd life and 2nd death? A good story does not answer the questions life poses, but rather sharpens the terms of the debate. This is a very good story.

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